Manitoba is one of the 12th largest provinces in Canada. It is also known for its high production of Sunflowers seeds, dry beans, and potatoes. 40% of Manitoba is covered with forests.
Manitoba experiences a moderately dry climate with hot summers and freezing weather. It contains many lakes, around 1,00,000 lakes, including the world’s largest freshwater lake ‘Lake Winnie peg’.
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Manitoba’s Recover-Together Budget 2022
Manitoba’s government proposed a new budget this 2022 to recover from the pandemic and prepare for the future. They are five key areas to take care of in this budget:
- Health care: The pandemic has taught us that protecting our health is the priority. This pandemic has shaken many families and damaged livelihoods. One hundred ten million is invested in reducing the loss in diagnostic and surgical backlogs. This budget helps in increasing the capacity of front-line workers locally and globally.
- Moderate the living expenses: Post pandemic, the cost of food, fuels due to supply chain issues has been raised a lot in Manitoba. To control it and make the prices affordable inexpensive, the government has combat to make things easier. There are multiple programs initiated to get a grip over child care, house taxes, and unemployment issues.
- Re-Construct the economy: The Manitoba province continues to regain strength and bounce back in the economy. Different measures are taken to build the economy by investing in a few small businesses and venture capital. Around 5 million have been invested in newcomers to come to Manitoba. The wages of front-line workers have been improved too.
- Protect the environment: Manitoba government has decided to invest in conserving nature and wildlife. Also decided to strengthen the food protection and forestry programs and develop provincial parks. Different strategies have been planned for the energy policy framework,
- Finance on communities: Investing in Manitoba’s communities is nothing but focusing on the future citizens, i.e., children. Government plans to invest in new home-based facilities and childcare facilities by the next year. Also supports culture and sports organizations and sustainable communities programs.
Seeks approval from Ottawa for immigrants:
There is less Canadian population, expecting immigrants to fill in the jobs. Manitoba is investing around 5 million in immigration programs to invest in immigrants in 2022. A budget has also been allocated for these programs and is named to recover together the budget.
- As the labor shortages have been identified, the Manitoba province ensures filling in those gaps by employing immigrants to recover from the pandemic damage.
- Manitoba has initiated talks with Ottawa to negotiate the Manitoba Canada immigration agreement.
- The revised immigrant targets expand the current program with new reformation rules.
- Manitoba’s immigration advisory committee has revised the province’s immigration policies.
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Manitoba report by Immigration advisory committee:
Advisory experts have designed Manitoba’s report, and it primarily consists of reformation of immigration services, analysis, economic growth, governance, community incorporation, etc.
This committee works on,
- Develop a program to invite and welcome more immigrants and investors for various businesses in Manitoba province.
- To set the Manitoba PNP (Provincial nominee program) in such a way that there is an equal opportunity to give weightage to the regional labor market of the Manitoba province, overall economic development, and the needs of the community.
- To be prepared for the future integration programs and services for the provincial sustainable economy.
Programs for Manitoba’s immigrants
There are four different streams for taking up Manitoba’s provincial nominee program.
- The qualified worker stream.
- Foreign Stream for skilled workers.
- Global education stream.
- Venture capital investor stream.
These programs enable a flexible labor market and significant economic opportunities. The priority is to update and fill in the gaps in in-demand occupations.